Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

20+ Ucapan Selamat Lebaran Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Ucapan selamat lebaran bahasa inggris  - Lebaran  menjadi moment yang paling di tunggu banyak orang. Setelah melakukan ibadah puasa sebulan penuh, tentunya banyak sekali beragam persiapan dalam menyambut lebaran. Mulai dari baju baru, sepatu baru bahkan hampir semua barang yang anda punya serba baru. Tapi, di moment lebaran tentunya yang di tunggu berkumpul bersama keluarga yang mungkin jauh di sana. Dengan cara ini semakin membuat tali silahturahmi semakin kuat. Namun, tentunya tidak salah memberikan sesuatu yang terbaik dan lebih berbeda untuk anda ucapkan kepada banyak keluarga. Ucapan selamat lebaran bahasa inggris bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan yang bisa anda berikan kepada teman, keluarga ataupun pasangan anda.
Ucapan Selamat Lebaran Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Mungkin menggunakan bahasa indonesia sudah biasa, namun dengan ucapan menggunakan bahasa inggris akan membuat anda lebih baik. Tidak heran jika kini banyak sekali beragam ucapan selamat lebaran bahasa inggris yang bisa anda berikan. Jika memberikan tunjangan hari raya sudah biasa, kini anda bisa mencoba sesuatu yang terbaik bahkan lebih berbeda sebagai rasa bahagia dan ucapan rasa syukur karena telah berada di hari kemenangan yang di tunggu. Penasaran apa saja kata- kat dari ucapan lebaran ini??? Semuanya bisa kamu lihat di sini untuk memberikan sesuatu berkesan dan memberikan kebahagiaan untuk sanak familiy, kolega dan lainnya yang semakin menambah kebahagiaan di hari yang paling di tunggu.

Kumpulan ucapan selamat lebaran bahasa inggris

Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things work.
Love makes all things beautiful.
May you have all of the three.
Happy Iedul Fitri.

Time 2 share, Time 2 love, Time 2 pray, Time 2 forgive, Time 2 joy, Time 2 cheer, Time 2 gather, Time 2 back, Back 2 fitri

Although Eid is still a few days. but what’s wrong with sms (short message service) start typing in the mobile phone or cell phone or perhaps in a draft email friends a beautiful set of words for eid greeting the soothing and out of the bosom of the most deep and sincere. Send as he approached the day H yes. Not bad if you still want to be typed as Eid 2015 going home and sent the way back home:)

I’d like to wish you a holy Iedul Fitri and express my cincerest apology. I beg your mercy for all of my sins. May Us be fitri.

I met Iman, Taqwa, Patience, Peace, Joy, Love, Health & Wealth today.
They need a permanent place to stay.
I gave them your address.
Hope they arrived safely to celebrate Idul Fitri with you.

May Allah bless you and family
If words could kill,
I think many people have died because of mine.
And if that’s including you,
I would like to apologize for all that I’ve done..
Happy Idul Fitri!

May you be blesse with the divine grace of Allah on occasion of this glorious festival. Wish you happines, peace and prosperity on this Idul Fitri 2015 M

Potato chip without salt is on the table. Relationship without fault is impossible. Minal aidin wal faizin.

I sincerely wish you happy Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1436 H / 2015 M
May Allah bless you in order that you will always be in good health and happiness.
Further I beg to apologize for all mistakes which I might have made against you.
Victory that we have achieved after a month of fasting will erode unless we keep remembering Allah. Happy Idul Fitri 1436 H

One day ago, I could see you anxious waiting for this day
One week ago, I saw you longing for the dusk to end the day
One month ago, you were there waiting for the Ramadhan to stand
And right one year ago, you were beside me rejoicing on the day of grande
It’s me your friend with the rest of my family
Wishing you another blessed Idul Fitri.

May all the joys of life be showered on you, Happy Eid Mubarak 1435 H

No Card, No Ketupat, No Parcel, Just SMS Represents Everything …Sins… Laugh.. Tears.. Happy ‘Iedul Fitrie.

The best of almsgiving is that which springs from the heart and is uttered by the lips to soften the wounds of the injured. Happy Idul Fitri 2015 M

Purify your hearts with the remembrance
Enlightened soul with love
Through the day with a smile
Set step with gratitude
Purify the heart with an apology
congratulations Idul Fitri
Minna wa Minkum TaqobbaLallaHu
Minal aidzin wal faidzin
Please forgive Born n Batin

As you get together with your dear ones, with the spirit of sacrifice and thanksgiving, wish Allah blesses you and your home with abundant joy, warmth and good fortunes. Happy Idul Fitri 2015 M

  A day of happiness, Joy and togetherness, Happy Eid Mubarak

Allahu Akbar..!
Ied al-fitri is approaching.
Let’s embrace it with pure heart.
From the bottom of my heart,
I would like to ask an apology.
Minal Aidin Wal Faizin.

I wish you a very happy and peaceful Idul Fitri. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all people around the globe. Happy Idul Fitri 2015 M

Nah itu adalah beberapa contoh ucapan selamat lebaran bahasa inggris yang dapat kalian gunakan untuk mengucapkan hari raya untuk sahabat, kerabat, keluarga dan sebagainya.

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